Does it annoy you when you see people describe themselves in the third person? Like, “Jay Gaulard is the best selling author of…” I see this a lot on blog About pages as well as on LinkedIn pages. I mean, everyone knows that you’re the person who wrote the blurb about yourself. Why write in the third person? It’s not like your agent wrote it. You don’t even have an agent. So please stop. It’s irritating.

Now that I’ve set things off on completely the wrong foot, I’d like to steer the ship back into its proper lane. And for the 428th time, I’ll attempt to craft an About Me page that’ll not only tell you a bit about the person behind this blog (Me!), but perhaps entertain you as well.

By the way, this is what I looked like when I was a wee lad.

What’s strange is that while I’ve seen this photo many times, this is the first that I noticed my sister sitting on the tractor’s seat.